O som não se propaga no vácuo, portanto os espaços siderais seriam de um siêncio absoluto.
Mas ... os artefatos espaciais lançados pelo homem rumo aos infinitos revelam que existem sons nos vazios intergaláticos.
Estranhos sons evoluem por eles, resultado das complexas interações entre as partículas eletromagnéticas oriundas dos ventos estelares e a magnetosfera planetária .
Aqui os sons de Jupiter .
Quase um mantra .
" Fascinating recording of Jupiter sounds (electromagnetic "voices") by NASA-Voyager. The complex interactions of charged electromagnetic particles from the solar wind , planetary magnetosphere etc. create vibration "soundscapes". It sounds very interesting, even scary.
Jupiter is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. The entire planet is made of gas, with no solid surface under the atmosphere. The pressures and temperatures deep in Jupiter are so high that gases form a gradual transition into liquids which are gradually compressed into a metallic "plasma" in which the molecules have been stripped of their outer electrons. The winds of Jupiter are a thousand metres per second relative to the rotating interior. Jupiter's magnetic field is four thousand times stronger than Earth's, and is tipped by 11° degrees of axis spin. This causes the magnetic field to wobble, which has a profound effect on trapped electronically charged particles. This plasma of charged particles is accelerated beyond the magnetosphere of Jupiter to speeds of tens of thousands of kilometres per second. It is these magnetic particle vibrations which generate some of the sound you hear on this recording. "
Jupiter is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. The entire planet is made of gas, with no solid surface under the atmosphere. The pressures and temperatures deep in Jupiter are so high that gases form a gradual transition into liquids which are gradually compressed into a metallic "plasma" in which the molecules have been stripped of their outer electrons. The winds of Jupiter are a thousand metres per second relative to the rotating interior. Jupiter's magnetic field is four thousand times stronger than Earth's, and is tipped by 11° degrees of axis spin. This causes the magnetic field to wobble, which has a profound effect on trapped electronically charged particles. This plasma of charged particles is accelerated beyond the magnetosphere of Jupiter to speeds of tens of thousands of kilometres per second. It is these magnetic particle vibrations which generate some of the sound you hear on this recording. "
6 comentários:
Vibrações electrónicas........
Sons perdidos nos tempos e nos espaços, que fogem da nossa compreensão .
Fascinante. E eu que pensava que o espaço era completamente silencioso como no filme do Kubrick (2001 a space odyssey).
Júpiter é meu planeta regente. Aproveitei esse som fantástico para fazer uma boa meditação. Não sei se é auto-sugestão, mas o efeito é totalmente relaxante!
Obrigada por compartilhar!
Silencioso para ouvidos não cibernéticos .
De fato, um convite às meditações .
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